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Kids @ The Sanctuary
10:00 am
The Treehouse Classroom
10:00 am
The Sanctuary - In Person + Online
7:30 am
Fellowship Hall
9:30 am
Fellowship Hall
6:30 pm
Birgit Leishman's home
Kids @ The Sanctuary
10:00 am
The Treehouse Classroom
10:00 am
The Sanctuary - In Person + Online

Shrove Tuesday + Ash Wednesday

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Our youth have got dinner covered on Tuesday, March 4th! Join us for Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at 5:30pm for hot-off-the-griddle pancakes as we prepare to enter the Season of Lent with great food + fellowship. Our youth + leaders that will be attending the upcoming LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans will be hosting dinner this year!


Ash Wednesday Recognition

Recognition of Ash Wednesday will occur on Tuesday, March 4th in conjunction with the pancake supper.

For those that choose, anytime between 6-6:45pm, the Sanctuary doors will be open for you to come and sit for a period of guided, independent reflection.

To conclude your personal devotion time, Pastor Keith will be present to offer the Imposition of Ashes.

Ordinary Things - a 5-week Lenten Series

This Lenten season, we are encouraged to examine our hearts, our motivations, and the things of this world that draw our attention as we walk in repentance towards Easter.

Lent reminds us we are all broken and in need of a Saviour who has overcome sin and death.


Sunday, March 9: The Cup

As we think about the bitterness of the wine vinegar offered to Jesus on the cross, we are reminded that our cups can be full of similarly bitter experiences. But, we are assured that Jesus drank the cup of God's judgement so that we would not have to.


Sunday, March 16: A Coin

What is the significance of a coin today? Though it's the smallest value of currency, they can still add up to a lot. Just like a coin, individually our sins may not seem much, but we miss the mark at great cost. But even greater the cost to Christ, all the coins in the world could never add up to the value of Jesus' sacrifice for us all.


Sunday, March 23: A Sign

We all carry signs about who we believe ourselves to be (our identity), and often these are not positive. But Jesus has written a message on our hearts that reminds us of our new identity in Christ.


Sunday, March 30: The Thorns

Just like the crown of thorns brought Jesus pain, our lives are made up of painful events. But pain is not the end, and God can use it for greater things, like He did with Jesus on the cross. This truth offers us hope in the face of difficulty.


Sunday, April 6: A Sponge

Just like a sponge, what we soak up in life is what we let out. There are many things that absorb our attention and steal our affection for God. Jesus absorbed all the pain of those around Him, but when he was wrung out, compassion, light, love, and healing came out - He took our sin, and we became His righteousness.


Beginning Sunday, March 9th, weekly themed devotionals with reflections from Pastor Keith’s Sunday messages will be available on Sunday mornings, either sent via email or available in hard copy. Sign-up below to receive these Devotionals by email, or pick up your printed copy at the Ministry Centre on Sunday mornings starting March 9th.

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Holy Week @ The Sanctuary

You're invited to join us in celebrating Holy Week at The Sanctuary, as we consider the beauty in Jesus' walk to Jerusalem as a King, to the Cross as a Prisoner, and from the Grave as our Risen Saviour.


The Beautiful Celebration

Celebrating what we don't know.

Palm Sunday Worship Service - Sunday, April 13 @ 10:00am


The Beautiful Sacrifice

When good doesn't feel good.

Good Friday Service Worship Service - Friday, April 18 @ 10:00am


The Beautiful Empty

Easter Sonrise Service at Knox Mountain - Sunday, April 20 @ 8:00am

Easter Celebration Worship Service with Holy Communion - Sunday, April 20 @ 10:30am


Easter Breakfast

Sunday, April 20 @ 9:00am - more details to come soon...